27 confirmed dead after asylum boat sinking

27 confirmed dead after asylum boat sinking
The story said: Authorities have recovered the bodies of 27 asylum seekers who died after their boat smashed into cliffs and sank off Christmas Island. Up to 80 asylum seekers including women and children were onboard a wooden Indonesian fishing boat when it crashed near Flying Fish Cove… The asylum seekers are believed to be from Iran and Iraq.
Did you know: This tragic incident is a reminder of the very real risks that asylum seekers take in their search for safety. The decision to get on a boat to seek asylum is never taken lightly, and it should be remembered that asylum seekers who come to Australia are human beings asking for our help.
In the vast majority of cases, asylum seekers who come to Australia by boat are found to be genuine refugees fleeing violence and persecution. This event is a distressing reminder of the heavy price that these people sometimes pay in their search for protection. While the exact details of this incident are still emerging, it is a reminder of the fact that human beings are at the heart of the debate around asylum seekers.


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