Refugee and Humanitarian Program
Refugee and Humanitarian Program In 2016-17, Australia’s Refugee and Humanitarian Program provided visas for 21,968 people (including 8,209 from the Syrian and Iraqi intake), representing an increase of 4,518 from the previous year. Australia’s Humanitarian Program is set to expand incrementally over the next three years, with the base rate from 2016-2017 increasing from 13,750 places to 16,250 in 2017-18 and 18,750 in 2018-19. In 2016-17, the Department granted 12,059 visas for people overseas compared with 1,711 for those already in Australia (6,642 under the Refugee Category, 5407 under the Special Humanitarian Programme, and 1607 visas to vulnerable women, childr In March 2017, the last of the 12,000 visas for those affected by the conflicts in Syria or Iraq were granted. In total, 22,398 places were granted for those from Syria o 1 July 2015, including those allocated places within the regular Refugee and Humani...